Born in Africa, at the age of twelve Fiori Giovanni’s marriage was already arranged. By fourteen, she was recruited into the Eritrean army. Her destiny, like that of so many girls in Third World countries, had been dictated, defined and determined. It was yet, though, to be defied.

Cue Fiori’s inspirational story.

At fifteen, Fiori made the harrowing decision to flee war-torn Eritrea without friends or family. She crossed five continents and twenty countries in search of knowledge, personal growth and strength; eventually settling in Australia where she’s now a highly sought-after and respected business and executive coach, as well as a speaker and media commentator.

As a result of repeatedly overcoming harrowing life experiences and insurmountable obstacles, Fiori decoded her steps toward survival, transformation and success, creating a framework that empowers others to overcome their own problems, no matter how big or small.

Fiori has used this same framework to help many clients re-set new paths to success and fulfillment.

Aside from comprehensively sharing her journey from child soldier to successful business women, Fiori also shares her framework to help anyone, anywhere, live a fulfilling, purposeful, exciting life of their choosing.